Vehicle ArchitectureS

  • Ergonomics / Seating Plans
  • Crash Management
  • Integration
    • Drivetrain / Traction Battery
    • Suspension
  • Component Packaging
  • Aerodynamic Sensitivity

Body structures

  • Multi-Material Structures
  • Assembly Concepts
  • Platform Architecture
  • Load Path Management
  • Concept Design

Part / System Development

  • Technology Downselect
  • Conceptual / Optimization Design
  • Analytical Layout / Pre-Dimenioning
  • Performance Forecast (Cost / Weight / CO2 Footprint)
  • Validation Strategies
  • Prototyping Coordination

from sketch... CAD-model

Lifecycle Analysis

  • acc. ISO 14040/44
  • Tailored to Customer Needs and Application
  • Capturing various Materials and Processes
  • Guidance on reasonable Impact Categories, Assessment Methods, etc.
  • Consideration of Scopes 1-3


  • Product Development from Scratch
  • Project Troubleshooting
  • Theme-specific Design Sessions 
    • Sustainability
    • Lightweight 
    • etc.