
  • More than 10 years of Project Management in international surroundings

  • Realization of eco-driven Structural Design for Mobility Applications 

  • 5 years in Design of... [Forward Engineering]

    • Car Body Structures

    • Vehicle Suspension Components

    • Energy Storage Systems (Automotive & Aerospace) 

  • More than 3 years in Mechanical Development of Drivetrain Systems [FIAT]

  • 3 years of Formula Student working on 3 self-made Monopostos [University]

  • Master Thesis | Restauration & Set-Up of F1 Monoposto [BMW]

  • Bachelor Thesis | Full Vehicle Development [BMW]

...and on top of this several years as father ;-)


KnowHow / Skills

  • Materials & Manufacturing Technologies

    • Steel and Light Alloys

    • Composites

  • (Multi-Material) Joining Technologies

  • Maintenance / Repair / EoL-Recycling Concepts

  • Design Optimization improving...

    • Sustainability

    • Lightweight

    • Cost

  • Methodical Ideation & Concept Generation / Documentation

  • CAD Modeling

  • CAE Support


  • Specialist Engineer Lightweight (VDI)

  • M.Sc. Automotive Engineering

  • Car Mechanic